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Eight, that's when my interest in drawings started. My brother and I used to watch Manga which had me wanting to have my own version of it. So, I started drawing, drawing and drawing but when I got to middle school the drawing gradually scaled down. I was now enjoying the time spent with my school mates more than I enjoyed the company of my pencil and paper. Which later had a toll on me and hence causing my passion for it to dwindle. I would still pick up my pencil once in a while whenever I felt the urge .

Fast forward to 2020 when COVID-19 hit, I had a lot of time on my hands and so I decided to open up that part of me again and reconnect with my passion. I wanted to explore other aspects of drawing so I began learning digital drawing with the help of "Professor YouTube". Which actually proved to be a challenge in the beginning and required getting used to. As time went by, the confidence in my developing skill grew. So much so, enough to convince me that I could put up some of my pieces on instagram @Dan_artt. I would occasionally draw with a pencil but if I had to choose I'd prefer the digital sketchbook technic because I like the out come more, although using a pen is more stable.

Whenever I watch animated movies and films I find myself subconsciously wondering and imagining what the creators were doing in the background, all the work put into creating a single narrative.

I am a dreamer who likes to imagine and create my own alternate world, so art for me is putting my imagination into realization. I have a lot of stories some animation back home in form of Bande dessinée which I started doing while I was younger. I have always been amazed by it because I know there's a lot of hard work involved in making something so captivating. What amazes me the most is how much emotions can be portrayed and invoked using a series of drawings.

My wildest dream is to one day work for Disney and also have my own animation company but until that happens, I write. Currently I am working on a fictional book based in the medieval age of my country Gabon . It doesn't have drawings in it yet but I will definitely do a Bande dessinée about it in the future.

Art has always been a part of our culture and I think as an artist one is tasked with the responsibility of drawing people towards your work somewhat like a magnet. Now that drawing on an iPad has became a thing, content creators understand how using tools like this can change the outcome of ones work. A way to incorporate the traditional methods with modern technology and give birth to a more developed version of a rich culture. It's up to everyone to find a way to get people attracted to what they do.

I am still on a journey of finding my style because my drawing currently shifts a lot as I explore different technics. When people look at my work I want them to dream .I am a dreamer so I want to get them to do the same, taking them out of their reality and into another world even if it'd just for a second .

You can find Danielle Tomo's work on her Instagram @Dan_artt


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